

A Colorful Umbrella 自動翻訳機能を駆使して書いた英語

•Mr. White sleep in the bus. He is holding a smart phone in the hand.
•screen of his smart phone contains a crack.
•It was sprinkling,water drops remained to the windows.
•These days he have no time for rest.
•The bus arrived at the bus stop.
•Door opened and a woman sat near his seat.
•But He continued to sleep,didn’t wake.
•Door closed, and the bus has begun to run.
•The woman took smart phone out from a pocket.
•Mr.White has carelessly dropped his smart phone on the floor.
•But all of the passenger didn’t care it――――except for her.
•She picked a smartphone up,and she made him wake up.
“Hey,You dropped your phone,didn’t you?”
•Mr.White recieve the smart phone.
“Oh,thanks...Had This bus already passed Rain road station? ”
“No.not yet.Do you get off at June load,too?”
•He didnt have question for her surprise ,because the access is very inconvenient, and no one likes to get off at the station.
“I think you are crazy,too” He smiled a little.
•She said that because I’m a photographer―so, we have some different idea.
•”But, I think our town have no attractive subjects”
•Its raining outside the window―without stopping.
•she said that there are many subjects in daily life―subway, a cup of coffee in the cafe,a winding way,half cup of water,ash of a cigarette,and―you.
•Mr.White noticed that she have a colorful umbrella.
”Can I take a your picture in the June road station ?”
•The bus stopped at Rain road bus stop.
•She took a camera out from a bag――and she handed him the colorful umbrella.
“Are you ready?―relax...Smile!”
•He has returned the colorful umbrella to her.
•They exchanged business card and left.

•A few days ago,Mr.White received an envelope from her.
•Although his life have not change yet,his eyes catch more information than previous.
•He has a colorful umbrella in his home.
•After he met with her in that rainy day,he liked that colorful umbrella and bought it.
•Mr.White open the envelope.
•The envelope has a letter and some photos.
•He read the letter,and he smile.

Dear Mr.White

Can you see the pictures?
I hope you like it!
And,I hope to meet with you again――I want to discuss about the world is attractive or not.
―Are you ready?―relax...Smile!

From a strange free photographer Rebecca

•He push phone number to call with her.